Find your voice

Problems with voice and articulation can impact communication confidence, perceived credibility and in some cases intelligibility. We offer voice therapy and speech therapy for both adults and children.

Voice disorders

People with voice disorders can face a range of issues, including hoarseness, voice fatigue, throat pain or irritation, and pitch problems.

Causes* range from voice misuse/overuse, trauma, surgery and radiotherapy, hormonal imbalance, and more.

Voice problems can occur in both adults and children. Treatment and expectations will be adapted according to age and needs, ensuring that everyone, including professional voice users such as teachers, singers, lawyers, and actors, receives the best possible care.

That said, depending on the issues, voice therapy will include a referral for an ENT exam, customised voice hygiene advice, and exercise therapy. You will learn skills to use the different facets of your voice in a healthy, easy way.

*For neurological causes to voice disorders, click here.

Speech disorders

Speech disorders can have different causes and, thus, treatment approaches.

Phonetic articulation disorders entail the incorrect pronunciation of a specific sound or sounds, such as a lisp. These disorders are treated through exercise therapy. In some cases, a structural problem causes articulation issues. In this case, collaboration with an orthodontist or other involved clinician is warranted.

Phonological articulation disorders often occur in children. The child does not understand the difference between certain sounds and mixes them. For example, ‘cat’ becomes ‘tat’, ‘rat’ becomes ‘wat’, or ‘flat’ becomes ‘fat’. Depending on the child’s age, therapy can be necessary to learn the difference between speech sounds and practice using the right sound in the right place.

There are also different, rarer causes for articulation and intelligibility problems. Differential diagnostics will identify the cause of the issue so that the appropriate therapy can be selected.

For neurological causes to speech disorders, click here.